Behind the "Resin Garden" Statue Collection
Our Resin Garden Statue Collection
We are delighted to offer this exceptional collection of Buddhist statues for the garden. They are hand cast in resin, a remarkably durable substance that has become the material of choice for producing garden ornaments. Resin has the appearance of metal and the feel of wood. It is much lighter in weight than concrete and offers heightened detail.
We chose a beautiful rust patina for the statues in this collection and allowed them to weather for several weeks prior to photographing them. They are appropriately placed both outdoors in the garden or indoors.
Originally carved by village craftspeople in Bali, the statues are cast and finished in California according to strict state environmental regulations. Made in USA.
Dyan Eagles, Founder of DharmaCrafts, shares some of her favorite features of the DharmaCrafts resin garden statues. Learn why these statues would make a beautiful focal point of your contemplative zen garden.
What should I do if my statue is too dusty? Should I bring my statues indoors over the winter? Dyan Eagles, Founder of DharmaCrafts, answers these questions and more as she gives useful advice on how to care for your resin garden statues.