The production of Buddha statues only started a few hundred years after his death. During this time, it was an act of faith to create a statue made in Buddha’s image, and these images were often given to monks as a symbol of spiritual importance.
Buddha statues are symbols of enlightenment. More than that, the elements depicted from Buddha’s posture to the elements around him each have a specific meaning. These symbols are universal and recognizable throughout the world.
Our Buddha on Lotus Throne statues represents Buddha, sitting in deep meditation on a lotus throne. His hands are held in his lap in the Dhyana mudra position, palms facing up with the right hand on top of the left.
The significance of the Bindu on Buddha’s forehead.

The Bindu (either as a round dot or teardrop-shaped) is placed on Buddha’s forehead where the third eye is located. The Bindu represents a vanishing point and the supreme being. The presence of the Bindu is a physical and visual representation of Buddha’s meditation and contemplation.
The significance of the Dhyana mudra.
Mudra means mark, seal, or gesture often accompanied by a mystical vow or intention. Different mudras have different meanings and manipulate the flow of energy throughout your body.
Dhyana mudra is also known as the mudra of meditation or the ‘gesture of concentration.’ It encourages more profound meditation and helps to bring peace and inner calm to the practitioner.
The right hand represents enlightenment and rests on top of the left hand, which represents the world of Maya or illusion. The thumbs touch lightly, creating a circuit for energy to move through.
The significance of the lotus.
The lotus is a symbol of purity. The beautiful flower grows from roots entangled in muddy water. The mud nourishes the plant and represents the muddy and messiness of human lives. From this muddy suffering, we grow to break free to flourish and bloom on the surface. The lotus also represents the true essence or collective consciousness.
The significance of Buddha in the lotus position.
The Buddha on a Lotus Throne statue depicts Buddha sitting in a lotus position with his legs crossed, and the soles of his feet turned towards the sky. Ancient yogis traditionally adopted this position as a seated meditation position. In this position, Buddha spent lengthy periods in the contemplation and meditation that led to his enlightenment. The exposed feet relate to the release of shame. Although the feet take much wear, they move you forward.
Buddha statues are symbols of the journey to enlightenment. Each element of the statue holds significance, as does the Buddha’s posture and the placement of his arms, hands, and feet.
The Buddha on Lotus Throne statues represents the process of meditation and dedication that leads to a more profound understanding of ourselves and the universe that surrounds us. It is a beautiful piece to place in a room or an altar as a reminder of the journey that you are on.
Size: 71/2" L x 6" W x 12" H.
Weight: 7 lbs
Buddha On Lotus Throne Statue, Green
Materials: Bonded stone with hand painted green finish
Size: 8"L x 6"W x 11 1/2"H
Weight: 7 lbs
Hand Painted Shakyamuni Buddha on Lotus Throne
Size: 9" w x 7" d x 11 1/2" h
Weight: 7 lbs