All over the world people have found crystals to be powerful tools and energy conductors. They can be used in magic and healing ceremonies and work to raise our spiritual vibrations. However, their energy is not a constant and when these crystals are used for energy work their stored energy dwindles and they eventually run out. In place of these positive energies negative and harmful energies may take their place so it is important to take care of our crystals when we use them.
Before you charge your crystals with a powerful intention you must make sure to cleanse them. There are many different ways to do this. One of the easiest ways, and most effective, is to use the power of the full moon. Leaving your crystal out overnight in the light of the moon can both cleanse and power your crystal. It must be left out for at least seven hours to properly work and must only be held in the moonlight, nothing else. Sunlight is another amazing source of power to cleanse and charge your crystals.
Furthermore, the earth is one of the most powerful sources of energy in our universe. When crystals remain buried in the earth they are consistently charged with it’s powerful energies. It is only when they are taken from the earth that their energies start to dwindle. To use the earth to cleanse and charge your crystals first place them in a glass jar or other glass container. Then bury them in the earth for at least seven hours to feel the full effects. The glass container does not need to be completely submerged in the earth but the crystals themselves must be. After the seven hours dig them up.
If you are looking to charge your crystal with a specific intention meditation is key. Place the crystal in the palm of your hand and begin to focus on your breath and heartbeat. Your body and mind must be in a deep state of peace and clarity in order to effectively charge your crystal. When you feel you are ready, begin to focus your entire being on the energy you wish to give the crystal, then you quite literally give it a job. As you would with a mantra, repeat whatever you wish to charge your crystal with in your head, and picture that energy flowing through your body to the palm of your hand and surrounding your crystal. When you feel that your crystal is effectively charged you may use begin to use it.