Garden Statues That Express Compassion

Garden Statues That Express Compassion

“Making a garden is more than art; it is a spiritual practice. It is a process of relating in a compassionate way to the living land, to the sentient beings that inhabit it, to the rocks and plants and earth that occupy the space.” – Martin Hakubai Mosko from Landscape as Spirit: Creating a Contemplative Garden. Martin Mosko founded the landscape design firm Marpa & Associates in 1974. He studied painting and Sanskrit at Yale, and has apprenticed with Japanese master gardeners. He is also a Zen monk and trained in Tibetan Buddhism with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

Garden Statues I DharmaCrafts
- Granite Jizo Statue

Jizo Bodhisattva is the special guardian of women, children, and travelers in the six realms of existence. With hands clasped and a serene look on his peaceful face, this benevolent Jizo will bless and protect your garden, home and loved ones. He also serves as a reminder of our own personal bodhisattva goal – to wake up our potential to contribute to a greater good.

H.H. The Dalai Lama said that “humanity survives through kindness, love, and compassion.”

Garden Statues I DharmaCrafts
- ‘May All Beings Be Free’ Garden Monk Statue, Large

Metta Prayer
May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be safe.
May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature.
May all beings be free.

By sending the fish back to the water, this benevolent Garden Monk performs an act of supreme kindness and compassion. He will joyfully serve as an inspirational accent for your fish pond, water garden, or yard.

Having a tranquil place in nature to sit and contemplate loving kindness may help foster greater feelings of interconnectedness as described here by Sharon Salzberg.

Garden Statues I DharmaCrafts
- Marble Large Standing Kuan Yin Statue

Kuan Yin is the female form of Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. Her name means “she who hears the cries of the world.”  Standing tall and serene, this Kuan Yin statue holds the lotus flower of enlightenment in her hands. She is the manifestation of Great Love and Great Compassion, and has the power to assume whatever form is necessary to fulfill her vow to save all beings from suffering.

Watch this video of Buddhist Gardens Around the World, for some more inspiration. Browse our collection of statues here.

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